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The owners of Generic Domain
Names offer you a warm welcome to our site. |
Whether this is your first visit with us
or you are returning for another look to see what new hot listing has
just arrived - we truly appreciate your presence, referrals and patronage.
This company like so many others before us that have achieved "The
American Dream" is a testimony that vision, hard work (18hr days
not uncommon) and integrity still can create the "local girl does
well" success story that most of us were raised on. |
$29.95/yr* will get you a domain registration, renewal, or transfer in the .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info and .us top level domains. Included in that rock bottom price, with each transaction you get (for a complete year) the following: Generic-Domain-Names is the best place to maximize value for all your domain names. We have an unequaled service set for your domains which is included FREE OF CHARGE with each domain name registration. |
OUR SERVICES 10 Page Website |
make nearly nothing on the fees brought by domain registrations, renewals
and transfers; You probably could figure that out by yourself by comparing
our fees to Verisign or anyone else for that matter. Look hard - we did.
You will find that this is the BEST value on the internet period. Rest
assured - you are getting the lowest price for bundle of service you are
recieving anywhere. So, why are our prices so low? |
an effort to do what we love ( being creative, problem solving, writing,
graphics design and working for ourselves ) we needed a plan. Yeah, sure
we almost lose money on every registration - but, we're making up for
it in volume! - Get it? Seriously, we have a simple plan and we're going
to share it with you right now. Here it is... |
pricing ourselves into the dirt we are getting a ton of referrals as customers
realize that this is legitamately the BEST buy on domain services on the
internet PERIOD. If we charged $35/yr or more instead, like most of our
competition, we would be making money to cover the costs of phone support.
However, we keep our costs to a minimum so that we can pass the saving
on to you. |
Some of these customers realize that although they could do the site themselves, they'd rather have us do it for them. Finally, we get to do what we do so well - work with customers - like you - to make a positive presentation of their business, personal or special interests. Our websites are created by the pros at www.dayweb.com . We know that having an internet site that conveys the image you want to portray can be the difference between success or failure for your business or endeavor. Most likely, one of the first things you wll do with anyone looking for more information is direct them to your internet site. We can assure that you get the professional image that will make their first impression a good one. Your informative site will allow you to avoid answering many of the repetitive, time consuming and routine questions that you regularly answer. Furthermore, with the ability to display 8 images on your site (with unlimited images if you link to other locations) your pictures can say a thousand words so you don't have to. Let us help you. The cost for the first page is $99 and $45 for each additional page (you provide the images). Yes, we do graphics works as well. We are after all the "Can Do" company. So, for between $99 and $499 we can make your site a thing of beauty. The hosting is of course already provided in the $29.95* cost of your domain. We, of course, can do custom sites as well. Please email us at support@G-D-N.com right away if you find you'd like some assistance. We keep our costs low so you can enjoy the best deals on the internet. Technical support is available by phone on a fee basis. Phone support will be billed at $45/hr while working on your template based website - included with each domain. There is a minimun $15.00 charge per support call. We look forward to serving you and seeing your site proudly hosted at Generic Domain Names.com . As your internet partners, we want to offer you our sincere appreciation for your visits, referrals and patronage. Sincerely - Generic Domain Names |
$29.95/yr will get you a domain registration, renewal, or transfer in
the .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info and .us top level domains. Other domain
extensions, while still discounted, may be more. |